Saturday, November 15, 2014 this thing on?

Yeah I haven't been around for a while, it's that stupid life thing always getting in the way. I'm revamping this bitch! I want to start using my blog to flush out ideas, and give insight into my work as I post it on my website.

I'm doing this because I'm about to start a number of more complicated pieces involving scenarios I'm not used to painting, as well as incorporating more figures than I've ever put on a canvas before. So in short...I'm scared as shit, and this will help me to work through my stages. That way I can suck a lot less by the time it's done. Knowing the process is essential for all work, and I'm only going to get good at telling a narrative with multiple figures, and in spaces that I'll have to invent but make look naturalistic, by actually going out and doing it.

Currently I'm mulling over two preliminary drawings for a commission I've gotten in illustrating a scene from the Spanish Civil War, taken from a book entitled Death in Malaga. I'm stressing over pricing and size, and of course there's always the fear that he won't like them, or had something else in mind. Who knows. I'll likely short myself on the price out of fear of not getting it because it's too awesome of a project not to get.

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